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Home  /  FAQ

What if my baby is sick and needs to be seen in the evening after the office is closed?

If your baby is sick, and you need to get advice after 5 PM, then call our triage nurse, and she can direct you if necessary. The on call doctor with be paged. We are affiliated with Good Samaritan Hospital and El Camino Hospital, but if it is an emergency, we suggest going to a nearby urgent care or the closest hospital to you.

What information should I have when I call about a sick baby?

When calling please be prepared to write down instructions or advice that you are given. Have the phone number and hours of your nearby pharmacy in the event that we need to call them for medication. Take your child’s temperature before calling. Knowing the accurate temperature is essential for our staff to be able to assist you properly.

What do I need to bring when I come in for an appointment?

You need to bring :

  1. Insurance Card
  2. Yellow Immunization Card
  3. Your Child’s Medication

What if I miss my appointment?

If you cannot keep your scheduled appointment, please call us at least 24 hours in advance to cancel or reschedule your appointment. Please be considerate : a missed visit leaves a vacant space that could have been used to see another child. If a patient misses an appointment without giving a 24 hour notice, they will be considered a no-show and charged a $25.00 fee.

What about billing and insurances?

We accept most PPO insurances and SCCIPA HMO. UCSF, our clinical affiliates, prepare insurance and patient bills. Please call our office to confirm your insurance information.